Source code for basicCommands

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from gi.repository import Gtk
from gi.repository import Gdk
from subprocess import *
from Googletts import tts
import os, gettext, time, subprocess


# Permet de faire appel aux fonctions basiques
[docs]class basicCommands(): """ @description: Called when the user wants to start an internal command for the moment there is 3 internal commands: * time * clipboard * hour @param text name of the function to launch @param PID the program's pid to synchronize osd notification """ def __init__(self,text,PID): # suivant le paramètre reçu, on exécute une action = PID if text == _('time'): self.getTime() elif text == _('power'): self.getPower() elif text == _('clipboard'): self.read_clipboard() else: print "no action found"
[docs] def read_clipboard(self): """ @description: A function to make google2ubuntu reads the selected text """ clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_PRIMARY) text = clipboard.wait_for_text() if text != None: text=text.replace("'",' ') print text tts(text) else: tts(_('Nothing in the clipboard'))
[docs] def getTime(self): """ @description: a function that let google2ubuntu read and display the current timme """ var=time.strftime('%H:%M',time.localtime()) hour=var.split(':')[0] minute=var.split(':')[1] message = _('it is')+' '+hour+' '+_('hour')+' '+minute+' '+_('minute') os.system('echo "'+var+'" > /tmp/g2u_display_' tts(message)
[docs] def getPower(self): """ @description: a function that let google2ubuntu read and display the current power state """ command = "acpi -b" process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) output,error = process.communicate() #parsing output if output.count('Battery') > 0: pcent = output.split(' ')[3] rtime = output.split(' ')[4] if output.count('Charging') > 0: message = _('Charging')+': '+pcent+'\n'+rtime+' '+_('before charging') else: message = _('Discharging')+': '+pcent+'\n'+rtime+' '+_('remaining') else: message = _('battery is not plugged') os.system('echo "'+message+'" > /tmp/g2u_display_' tts(message)