Source code for interface

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from subprocess import *
from os.path import expanduser
import sys, subprocess, os, json, urllib2, unicodedata, time, gettext, locale

from Googletts import tts
from stringParser import stringParser

lang = locale.getlocale()[0]

# La classe interface permet de lancer l'enregistrement et de communiquer
# avec Google
[docs]class interface(): """ @description: This class start the osd server, then start recording your voice before asking Google for the translation. Then, the result is parsing in order to execute the associated action """ def __init__(self): # Initialisation des notifications self.PID = str(os.getpid()) self.p = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).strip('librairy') os.system('rm /tmp/g2u_*_'+self.PID+' 2>/dev/null') os.system('python '+self.p+'librairy/ '+self.PID+' &') # on joue un son pour signaler le démarrage os.system('play '+self.p+'resources/sound.wav &') os.system('> /tmp/g2u_start_'+self.PID) # On lance le script d'enregistrement pour acquérir la voix pdt 5s command =self.p+' ' + self.PID p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) output,error = p.communicate() self.sendto()
[docs] def sendto(self): """ @function: Send the flac file to Google and start the parser """ # lecture du fichier audio filename='/tmp/voix_'+self.PID+'.flac' f = open(filename) data = f.close() # suppression du fichier audio if os.path.isfile('/tmp/voix_'+self.PID+'.flac'): os.system('rm /tmp/voix_'+self.PID+'.flac') # fichier de configuration config = expanduser('~') + '/.config/google2ubuntu/google2ubuntu.xml' default = self.p +'config/'+lang+'/default.xml' if os.path.exists(config): config_file = config else: if os.path.exists(expanduser('~') +'/.config/google2ubuntu') == False: os.makedirs(expanduser('~') +'/.config/google2ubuntu') os.system('cp -r /usr/share/google2ubuntu/modules '+expanduser('~') +'/.config/google2ubuntu') if os.path.exists(default) == False: default = self.p+'config/en_EN/default.xml' config_file = default print 'config file:', config_file try: # envoie une requête à Google req = urllib2.Request(''+lang, data=data, headers={'Content-type': 'audio/x-flac; rate=16000'}) # retour de la requête ret = urllib2.urlopen(req) # parsing du retour text=json.loads(['hypotheses'][0]['utterance'] os.system('echo "'+text.encode("utf-8")+'" > /tmp/g2u_result_'+self.PID) # parsing du résultat pour trouver l'action sp = stringParser(text,config_file,self.PID) except Exception: message = _('unable to translate') os.system('echo "'+message+'" > /tmp/g2u_error_'+self.PID) sys.exit(1)